This weekend The Kapil Sharma Show will highlight the cast of Sooryavanshi, making some great memories on the show. Kapil is known to make minutes where the big name visitors openly talk about their own and expert encounters with each other during their shoot days. This scene will be the same with the hit on-screen jodi of Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif, who are back on the cinema following 10 years with the nation’s greatest activity executive Rohit Shetty and pro maker Karan Johar in the film Sooryavanshi.Further,
Katrina Kaif is seeing stripping peas with Akshay Kumar on the arrangements of the show when asked by “Kammo Buaa”.
Watch the cast of Sooryavanshi solely on The Kapil Sharma Show this weekend,14th – fifteenth of March at 9.30 pm just on Sony Entertainment Television.